If you think your identity has been stolen, it is important to act straight away. If you believe that any of your accounts may have been taken over or accessed here are some steps to follow:
- Report this to the police, with as much information as you can and you will be given a police report number which you can give to organisations that you have accounts with.
- Notify organisations that you have accounts with (or that you suspect may have been accessed). They can then assist you in securing your account by locking it, updating passwords, and investigating the issue.
- Update your passwords, first ensuring that if you believe your email has been compromised your update the password for this first.
Here are some helpful websites for more information:
OAIC – Government website:
IDCARE - Phone: 1800 595 160
What if I believe my account has been compromised with Oz Lotteries?
Notify us straight away, either by calling us on 1300 188 911, or emailing us support@ozlotteries.com. Our support team will ask you questions to assess the risk to your account and will be able to secure your account by locking it from further transactions based on the information that you provide we will start an investigation to review what has happened.
If emailing us, please include as much detail as possible, including your date of birth, postcode and email address for us to be able to access your account. Include as much detail as well about the potential fraudulent purchases or deposits on your account.
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