Cash advance fees may be charged by your bank when you purchase or deposit funds using a credit card, either manually or through PayPal.
How can I avoid these bank fees?
If you would like to purchase tickets but avoid a cash advance fee, you can use a debit card in the checkout process or deposit funds via debit card, direct deposit or BPAY payment.
Does OzLotteries Make Customers aware of these possible fees?
We have multiple disclaimers on these potential fees as seen below:
1. Deposit Funds Page
2. Checkout Page
3. Terms and Conditions
4. App Deposit does not charge these fees and they are up to your banks discretion. For more information on why you are being charged this please contact your bank as they will be able to provide you with specific information.
Should you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support on 1300 188 911 or at
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