Some cards may not work when making deposits into your accounts due to restrictions from your financial institution. Please keep in mind that we are an online lottery service, in this instance there may be situations where restrictions may be put in place due to online gambling policies, and you may need to contact your bank before you can continue to make a transaction with us.
If you cannot use your credit card to deposit please try one of the following alternatives:
Attempt to use another credit/debit card (Please note, you can only have a maximum of 5 cards registered on your account).
You can make a Direct Deposit/ Bank Transfer into our bank account - on receipt we will transfer these funds into your Oz Lotteries account. This can take 1-3 business days to be available in your Oz Lotteries balance.
BPay and PayPal are available for Australian residents.
ANZ Customers:
Please be aware that ANZ have updated their policies around gambling, which do not allow for the remaining 15% of your current monthly credit card purchases, to play through our website.
Please visit their website for more information by clicking here.
Citigroup Customers:
Please be aware that Citigroup do not allow any cards that fall under their branding to process sales for online gambling transactions.
To see your deposit options click on Deposit Funds in your Oz Lotteries account.
For more information on how to purchase tickets, please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Support team on 1300 188 911 or at
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