The Lottery Corporation has been working behind the scenes with regulators to bring some changes to Lucky Lotteries Mega Jackpot and Super Jackpot. These changes will help to ensure that the games are available to customers who wish to purchase an entry, subject to our general terms and conditions.
From Monday 9th November 2020, for both Lucky Lotteries Mega Jackpot and Super Jackpot games, the following will apply:
- You will only be able to purchase a maximum of 10 sequential numbers on a singly Lucky Lotteries entry.
- Only 10 Lucky Lotteries entries can be purchased into a single draw during a transaction.
- The amount of Lucky Lotteries entries you can purchase into an advance draw will be capped, with a limited amount of entries being made available for presale.
- Where a registered customer has exceeded a total daily cost of $10,000 per game (e.g. $10,000 for Super Jackpot and $10,000 for Mega Jackpot), account restrictions may be applied.
Should you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact our Customer Support on 1300 188 911 or at
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